Distances from Five Islands Village

Distances from Five Islands Village to the largest cities and places in Antigua and Barbuda. Have a closer look at the distances from Five Islands Village to the largest places in Antigua and Barbuda.

You can sort the distances from Five Islands Village to the largest places in Antigua and Barbuda by distancealphabeticallyby population
1 - 15 of 15 places

All Saints   to   Swetes
Distances from Five Islands Village to the largest places in Antigua and Barbuda
All Saints All Saints1.2,52611.3 km 7.0 mishow
Bolands Bolands2.1,6576.1 km 3.8 mishow
Carlisle Carlisle3.8318.7 km 5.4 mishow
Cedar Grove Cedar Grove4.7898.5 km 5.3 mishow
Codrington Codrington5.1,32558 km 36 mishow
English Harbour Town English Harbour Town6.66617 km 10 mishow
Falmouth Falmouth7.61915.0 km 9.3 mishow
Freetown Freetown8.62321 km 13 mishow
Liberta Liberta9.1,66813.2 km 8.2 mishow
Old Road Old Road10.62312.5 km 7.8 mishow
Parham Parham11.96912.3 km 7.7 mishow
Piggotts Piggotts12.1,8788.9 km 5.5 mishow
Potters Village Potters Village13.1,4336.9 km 4.3 mishow
Saint John's Saint John’s14.24,2264.3 km 2.7 mishow
Swetes Swetes15.72711.7 km 7.3 mishow

1 - 15 of 15 places